character flaw

美 [ˈkærəktər flɔː]英 [ˈkærəktə(r) flɔː]
  • 性格缺陷
character flawcharacter flaw
  1. The syndrome2 , which is a major character flaw of some of the world 's finest managers .


  2. It 's a character flaw , and I admit it .


  3. As if being driven to succeed is some sort of a character flaw .


  4. They share the character flaw of arrogance .


  5. This arbitrary use of power wasn 't merely a character flaw . This vase has a chip .


  6. Mercifully , these days people dont see being gay as a character flaw , says Scott .


  7. Pessimists take failures personally , interpreting them as evidence of some deep-seated character flaw .


  8. He 's a person who doesn 't have any major character flaw , but a few blemishes in his behavior .


  9. I was never and maybe this is a character flaw the type of person who is going to take one idea and beat it to death , she said .


  10. Of course , aside social system , cultural discrimination and external factors , causing the root causes of gender differences in social status of women is a character flaw inducing factors can not be excluded .


  11. I promise you this : every plot twist and character flaw , every afternoon spent in a bookstore and late night discussion over haphazard stacks of books will absolutely and undoubtedly be worth it !


  12. Meanwhile , it has an unignorable meaning in constructing and regulating modern aesthetics , the character and flaw of Chinese traditional aesthetics appear obvious , " experience is enough but transcendence is insufficient ", comparing to Kant 's aesthetics ;


  13. Based on the analysis of the ultrasonic wave attenuation of crack damage in rocks , the connection of damage parameter D with attenuation coefficient a has been formulated . The crack set has been formed , by which the distribution character of flaw length and quantity can be expressed .
